Children (Ages 4-8)
Programs for 4-8 years of age. These course are theme based and highly interactive. Who knew that safety education could be this much fun? Check out youth programs also for additional 8 year old programs.
- Don't Touch! It's My Body—Ages 4–8 This dynamic personal safety program focuses on teaching children that they have the right to protect and govern their own bodies. Discussion will include appropriate and inappropriate touch, proper identification of the private parts on our bodies, secrets...
- Strangers and Dangers—Ages 4–8 This one-hour fun-filled and non-threatening workshop teaches children and their parents/guardians vital personal safety skills. The main focus in this class is assisting children to identify unsafe behaviours in any person. The golden safety rule—do not go an
- Anger Management (6 weeks)—Ages 6–8 Dealing with anger can be a challenge. Explosive physical or emotional outbursts may result when a child can’t access words to express thoughts and feelings. Anger is a healthy emotion, and expressing feelings in creative, positive ways makes life more enjoyab
- Anger Management—Ages 6–8 Dealing with anger can be a challenge. Explosive physical or emotional outbursts may result when a child can’t access words to express thoughts and feelings. Anger is a healthy emotion, and expressing feelings in creative, positive ways makes life more enjoyab
- Bully Proof—Ages 6–8 All players in the bullying experience may suffer pain or distress. Whether your child is being bullied, is the bully, or is taking a silent bystander approach, this class will provide participants with tools to learn when to tell, when to ask adults for...
- Calm and Cool Minds (6 weeks)—Ages 6–8 Worry can be the cause of significant challenges with health, friends, school, and family. Do any of the following sound like your child: Dislikes new social interactions, new situations, tests, routine changes, or being rushed or surprised? Experiences tummy...
- Calm and Cool Minds - Ages 6-8 Worry can be the cause of significant challenges with health, friends, school, and family. Do any of the following sound like your child: Dislikes new social interactions, new situations, tests, routine changes, or being rushed or surprised? Experiences tummy...
- Friendship Builders (6 weeks)—Ages 6–8 Friendship Builders is an interactive, fun-filled program designed to support children in developing and maintaining friendships. The lessons are taught through role playing, games, and stories. The course will cover common friendship challenges such as...
- Friendship Builders—Ages 6–8 Friendship Builders is an interactive, fun-filled program designed to support children in developing and maintaining friendships. The lessons are taught through role playing, games, and stories. The course will cover common friendship challenges such as...
- Self-Esteem (6 weeks)—Ages 6–8 A supportive and welcoming program designed to assist children in developing and maintaining healthy self-esteem. Lessons covered include negative and positive self-talk, managing peer pressure, self-care, and building confidence in being oneself!...
- Self-Esteem for Parents/Guardians Are you a parent or guardian looking to learn how to help your child build self-esteem? Join us for a free 1-hour skills workshop for adults only. Led by a self-esteem educator, this session will provide valuable tools and strategies to help you support your...
- Self-Esteem—Ages 6–8 A supportive and welcoming program designed to assist children in developing and maintaining healthy self-esteem. Lessons covered include negative and positive self-talk, managing peer pressure, self-care, and building confidence in being oneself!...
- Social Skills (6 weeks)—Ages 6–8 An interactive program designed to assist children in the development of social skills for everyday situations. Basic skills are covered, such as active listening, making friends, joining groups, sharing, tattling, and turn taking. Students explore “Who’s prob
- Social Skills—Ages 6–8 An interactive program designed to assist children in the development of social skills for everyday situations. Basic skills are covered, such as active listening, making friends, joining groups, sharing, tattling, and turn taking. Students explore “Who’s prob
- Mini Medics Child Safe Canada's Mini-medic program is a comprehensive first-aid course for children. All children should have the basics skills to call EMS and how to identify dangerous or emergency situations. Children are taught the universal steps of check for safety...
- Teddy Bear First Aid Ages 4-8 This interactive first aid class teaches young children the basic of first aid; checking for safety, calling for help, and caring for any injured people. The kids will learn how to sling arms, deal with bleeding, burns, scrapes and choking. Children are very...